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GH StomaPure (GH2010) Listen about this product
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As a dietary supplement, take 1 (one) StomaPure capsule after a meal, up to 3 times a day.

US$ 55.00   (38 PV)

• Promote natural healing of damaged gastric tissues with vitamin A and Zinc.
• Boost the immune system to fight infections with the essential mineral copper and vitamin A.
• Provide the essential vitamin, minerals, and phytonutrients to help support gastric health.
• Provide vitamin A, Sulforaphane, and gingerol phytonutrients which have been scientifically shown to control H. Pylori bacterial infections.
• Provide powerful antioxidants to minimize oxidation during gastric tissue repair.

Guardian Health scientists believe using natural and least toxic method for healing gastric ulcers. StomaPure contains a carefully researched blend of powerful ingredients to fight against ulcer and help the digestive track to heal naturally. StomaPure contains a balanced blend of Vitamin A, broccoli extract, ginger extract, zinc and copper.

Vitamin A (as Beta Carotene): Beta-carotene is an antioxidant which protects cells from damage caused by free radicals and may reduce the risk for cancer. One study including 47,806 men, showed that diet rich in vitamin A might reduce the development of duodenal ulcer. Another study demonstrates that vitamin A increases the mucus in the gastrointestinal tract to have protective effect against ulcer development. These findings provide strong supports of the needs that gastric inflammation and ulcer victims should be supplemented with vitamin A to help healing the damage in their digestive system.

Broccoli Seeds Extract (Brassica oleracea): A team of Johns Hopkins University scientists isolated a cancer-fighting phytochemical in broccoli called glucoraphanin, a precursor of sulforaphane. Broccoli sprout/seed extract component can catalyze the production of glucoraphanin to sulforaphane. Sulforaphane can induce many beneficial antioxidant enzymes to protect cells from oxidative stresses, H. pylori, and NSAIDs. Sulforaphane can also block the initiation stage in carcinogenesis by inhibiting certain enzymes that convert procarcinogens to carcinogens. See below graph which demonstrates sulforaphane anti-cancer mechanism.

Ginger Root Extract (Zingiber Officinale): Ginger contains hundreds of compounds and metabolites. Its phenolic compound [6]-gingerol has powerful anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.
• Digestion aid - speed up emptying of the stomach to alleviate indigestion, stimulate saliva and bile production, suppress gastric contractions, reduce constipation, and prevent colon cancer.
• Nausea control - alleviate the nausea and vomiting associated with sea sickness, pregnancy, chemotherapy, and surgery.
• Pain reduction - reduce the pain some women experience during a menstrual cycle.
• Inflammation treatment - treat inflammation affiliated with osteoarthritis and poss anti-bacterial activity for drug resistant microbial diseases.
• Brain function improvement – decrease age-related oxidative stress, suppresses lipid peroxidation, and protect the levels of reduced glutathione. Enhance attention and cognition of healthy middle-aged women.

Zinc (from Zinc Amino Acid Chelate): Zinc is essential to almost every aspect of our health. There are more than 3,000 zinc proteins in the human body, some of which are key enzymes. It is used in antioxidation, cell division, DNA synthesis, growth and development, immune function, protein synthesis, and wound healing. Doctors sometimes suggest zinc to boost overall immunity and ward off infections. It is noted that more severe the H. pylori infection is, the lower level of zinc in gastric mucosa is. Zinc deficiency has resulted more susceptibility to oxidative stress and higher risk of gastric mucosal inflammation/ Elemental zinc is very poorly absorbed in the gut, so zinc can be attached to a chelating agent to facilitates absorption in the supplement. Guardian Health is using the zinc amino acid chelate to achieve that purpose.

Copper (from Copper Oxide): Copper is a cofactor in enzymes and in many biochemical processes such as iron transportation, energy production, skin-hair-eyes’ pigmentation, and antioxidation. Zinc and copper compete against each other as antagonist. The proper balance between the two trace minerals is critical to sustain health. In order to maintain adequate zinc to copper ratio, a higher dose of zinc compared to copper is required daily. Guardian Health add both zinc and copper to provide an appropriate balance in StomaPure.