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Home » PRODUCTS » Wonder Meal
Wonder Meal (2005)  
US$ 58.00

COMPONENT Amount %Daily Value
Isolated Protein 8g 16%
Chromium Picolinate 12.4mcg 10%
Grapefruit Fiber 67mg N/A

Wonder Meal is a high quality protein (plant and whey) supplement which contains essential and natural ingredients that helps to build muscles, balance blood sugar and lose weight.


455g Per Bottle

As a meal or snack supplement, mix 1 or 2 scoops of Wonder Meal with liquid (juices, water, milk and/or fruits). Blend in a blender until mixed consistently. Consider adding ice and frozen fruits.

Protein for Weight Loss 
Supplementing higher quantities of protein for meals will encourage the body to burn more body fat for energy supplementation. Obesity is found in approximately 55% of patients diagnosed with Type II diabetes. According to the 2007 statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), there are over 1.6 billion overweight adults in the world. That number is projected to grow by 40% over the next 10 years!


Protein to Build Muscles
Body builders must supplement larger quantities of protein to meet the demand of their growing muscle tissues or the body will “cannibalize” protein tissues from other areas in the body.


Protein to Help Balance Blood Sugar
Protein can also be instrumental in balancing our blood sugar and metabolism when used in combination with Chromium Picolinate. It has been used to better regulate Type II diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association, approximately 18.3% (8.6 million) Americans age 60 and older have diabetes. 


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