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Home » HEALTH SYSTEMS » Cardio

CardioPro Package (1039B)   US$ 304.99

Contains: Tri-Antioxidant(1) Cardiomax(2) Ingenium(1) Liveright(1) Wonder Meal(1)
Total Package Value : US$ 345.00   Your Saving: US$ 40.01

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Cardiovascular disease (CVD), especially heart disease and stroke, remains the number one cause of death in the USA and other developed and industrialized countries.  Eighty million Americans suffer some form of cardiovascular disease. Six million Americans are hospitalized and over 10 million are disabled each year in the US alone because of CVD. The financial burden of this disease is staggering; over $300 billion is spent on health care for this disease annually in the US. Unfortunately, we have no “feeling” in our heart or vascular system to indicate to us that something could be wrong.
What is behind this killer disease?
The primary triggers for this disease are stress, smoking, alcohol, lack of physical inactivity, genetics, poor nutrition and poor diet. Poor diet and nutrition, in particular, are prime contributors to CVD. The rising wave of obesity across the world is alarming. There are over 1.6 million overweight adults in the world. That number is projected to grow by 40% over the next 10 years!  What is important to realize about this disease is that it can be prevented and/or treated.
FKC scientist’s solution to this cardiovascular disease epidemic is focused on resolving the two major causes of cardiovascular disease:

1) clogged blood vessels, and

2) weakened and damaged heart muscle tissue.

The FKC scientists created a complete health supplement solution to address these dual concerns.
The first component in the solution is CardioMax, which was designed to assist the blood vessels become gradually unclogged and free from atherosclerosis clots. It is also designed to help rejuvenate the heart muscle tissue to pump oxygen and blood filled with nutrients into all tissue, especially the heart muscle tissue.
The second component in the solution is Tri-Antioxidant, which was designed to  assist in eliminating the formation of blood clots which can lead to heart attacks and strokes.
The third component in the solution is CalciMagD, which can assist in delivering essential energy to energy-starved heart muscles.
CardioMax helps clear blood vessels from clots by providing multiple molecules; these collectively prevent atherosclerosis clot build-up, as well as assist in clearing the existing blockage to blood flow. Several B vitamins work together to keep the molecule, homocysteine from reaching dangerously high levels known to trigger clot build-up. An essential fatty acid is included to help prevent the inflammatory triggers that begin clot formations. And an antioxidant that specifically prevents oxidative stickiness of cholesterol particles to blood vessel walls is added to complete the blood vessel cleansing formula of CardioMax.
Tri-Antioxidant contains synergistic components with antioxidant molecules that have been shown to protect blood vessels from atherosclerosis and the resulting cardiovascular disease.
 CalciMagD energizes every cell in the heart muscle tissue by delivering magnesium, the most important mineral to a living cell. Every step in energy generation in the cells of a heart muscle is dependent on the presence of magnesium.


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