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Home » HEALING SYSTEM » Detoxification

Relax & Sleep Package (1016B)   ¥2,261

Contains: FKC2001A(1) ลิฟเวอะไรท์(1) หวั้งเตือโปรตีน(1) 4004(2) Relactein (ဆိုင်းငံ့ထားအတည်ပြုချက်)(2)
Total Package Value : ¥2,547   Your Saving: ¥286

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In our modern cultures and urban life everything natural and clean about the environment is no longer so. The air, water, food, and chemicals we consume and use everyday have become toxic to us. Our cities are smothered with smog. Our drinking water is contaminated with pollution. In addition, the water is treated with toxic chemicals like chlorine and fluorine. The foods and drinks we consume have been treated with a variety of toxic chemicals to preserve and protect them during growing, processing, preparation, or storage. In addition, alcohol consumption, hormones and drug therapies, and chemicals we use at home or work are a major source of toxic compounds and are almost inescapable. All these harmful chemicals find their way into the body and the liver on daily basis.
The liver is the largest internal organ in the body and most critical for health. The liver has many critical functions but one of the most important functions is detoxification of the body. The liver is a body guard against all chemical poisons that enter our body every day. It acts as a blood filter by removing harmful substances in the blood including everything we consume through our digestive system. The liver can also neutralize poisons that do enter the liver cells. Neutralized toxins can be efficiently removed from the body by the kidneys and urine. This is the natural process of detoxification which is active 24/7.

Unfortunately, the liver has a limited capacity for detoxification and will be overwhelmed and damaged when that capacity is exceeded. In today's modern living environments the liver can be easily overcome with the quantity and variety of toxic chemicals. Continuous exposure to toxic chemicals wears it out before its time. The American Liver Foundation findings are serious: over 25 million Americans have liver problems and 20,300 Americans die each year from chronic liver disease and cirrhosis. Liver damage is a silent health killer that must be corrected before the damage is too advanced to heal.

When the liver is worn out it will no longer be efficient in removing poisons from the body and the body as a whole will suffer. A major consequence of an inefficient liver is flooding the body with toxic chemicals which the liver could not detoxify. The rest of the organs were not designed to handle even moderate doses of toxicity and will be damaged. So now the problem of a damaged liver has become a problem for all body organs. This will cause the whole body to degenerate and age much quicker than normal. Our entire physical well-being and longevity are tied to the health of the liver.

As if the environment was not toxic enough for the liver and other organs, an additional internal source of toxicity is a health threat to the whole body. This threat is a collection of natural byproducts of cellular metabolism and respiration which provide every cell with most of its energy needs. These byproducts are known as oxygen free radicals which can be toxic in high quantities or when produced in the wrong location. Free radicals attack and damage our fundamental cellular molecules including DNA, proteins, sugars, and fat which eventually damage the entire cell.

All together, the external and internal sources of poisons inflect a great deal of damage over time on the liver and on all cells in the body. In time the liver and other organs begin to manifest the damage in a variety of diseases including heart disease, stroke, liver disease, diabetes, brain degeneration, aging, and many other diseases. Something has to be done to minimize or stop this continuous damage. the assistance of natural nutrients and herbs to help it heal itself.
The liver and body cells know how to heal themselves very well but they are overwhelmed by the amount of damage and poisons that have been and continue to be inflected on them. What the cells need desperately is the help of antioxidants and detoxification herbs to do their normal healing job. FKC recognizes that our cells, and especially our liver cells, need powerful antioxidants and herbs to protect our cells from our mal-nutritious diets and toxic environments. It is time we intervened and helped these hard working cells with specific dietary supplements targeted to these particular toxicity problems.

FKC provides two primary dietary supplements focused on cellular and liver health nutrition: "Tri-Antioxidant" and "Liveright". Tri-Antioxidant delivers a protective collection of natural phytonutrients (nutrients from plants) to fight cellular oxidation damage in all cells. Liveright delivers a collection of herbs and natural biological molecules to aid the liver in its recovery from toxicity.

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