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Home » HEALTH SYSTEMS » Anti-Aging & Detoxification

Anti-Aging & Detoxification
Relax & Sleep Package (1016B)   US$ 304.99

Contains: Tri-Antioxidant(1) Liveright(1) Wonder Meal(1) Night Fresh(2) Relactein(2)
Total Package Value : US$ 336.00   Your Saving: US$ 31.01

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The quality of our natural, clean environment is rapidly diminishing. The air, water, and food we consume contain toxic elements. In the United States, between 4,000 and 20,000 cases of cancer are caused each year by pesticide residues in food in amounts considered allowable by the government. 
Our cities are becoming polluted with toxic chemicals and smothered with smog. Government reports show our drinking water is becoming contaminated with toxic chemicals, antidepressants and sex hormones, and other discarded medications.  In addition, the water is treated with dangerous chemicals such as chlorine and fluorine. 
Even many of the foods in our grocery stores have been grown with toxic pesticides and fertilizers to protect and enhance growth.  Other foods are mixed with food additives to help manufacturers save money and extend the shelf life. 
All these harmful chemicals are taken into the body. The burden of removing these harmful poisons and toxins from our bodies is the responsibility of the liver.  If the liver is not able to cope with the often overwhelming task these toxins present and detoxify rapidly, other organs may begin to manifest damage in a variety of degenerative diseases, including heart disease, stroke, liver disease, diabetes, brain degeneration, and premature aging.
The liver is the largest internal organ in the body; its function is similar to a sewage plant within the body system, collecting and neutralizing powerful foreign toxins as they appear.  The liver also acts as a blood filter, removing harmful substances in the blood and digestive system.  Eventually, the liver neutralizes these poisons and removes them via/by way of  urine, feces and sweat.  This natural process of detoxification is working continuously.

Unfortunately, the liver has a limited capacity for detoxification and can be overwhelmed.  The American Liver Foundation found that over 25 million Americans have liver problems and approximately 20,300 Americans die each year from chronic liver disease and cirrhosis.  Liver damage is a silent health killer, however, in most situations, it can be corrected if the condition has been diagnosed and treated early.

An overwhelmed liver may flood the body with toxic chemicals that can damage our other organs.  This may cause the body to go into a “toxic shock”.  Our entire physical well-being and longevity are tied to the health of the liver. The liver and body cells know how to heal themselves.  Yet this healing process needs the help of antioxidants and herbs which aid detoxification.
There is another type of toxin in our bodies that is created naturally during our bodies’ energy production.  This toxin is called “free radicals.” Free radicals are the root cause of oxidation which may ultimately cause diseases and premature aging if not they are not properly addressed. Free radicals are molecules that are missing an electron and search our bodies for one to “steal.”  Free radicals attack and ultimately damage our fundamental cellular molecules including DNA and may eventually damage the whole body. 
FKC scientists’ solution to this toxicity is focused on resolving these two major sources of body toxicity:  1) Systemic oxidation that occurs in every cell and tissue in the body, and 2) The compromised liver, overwhelmed with environmental and dietary toxins. The FKC scientists developed two powerful health supplement solutions to help address these two problems.
The first solution is Tri-Antioxidant, designed to help slow down oxidation throughout the body, acting as a powerful antioxidant shield for cells in the body.
The second solution is Liveright.  It was designed to assist the liver by helping to neutralize large quantities of toxins that continuously enter the body.
Tri-Antioxidant delivers its antioxidation potency through an optimized scientific design that mimics nature at work. Nature controls molecular oxidation by combining different types of effective antioxidants in a synergistic manner. Synergy is when the combined components are more effective than when separate. Tri-Antioxidant contains synergistic, potent antioxidant molecules that are more powerful in combination than individually.
Liveright helps the liver through a “liver-specific” combination of natural herbs and molecules. By combining liver-specific anti-toxin molecules in a synergistic blend, FKC scientists have been able to achieve excellent results in people with liver toxicity.  All together, Liveright components were designed to help the liver not only neutralize foreign toxins, but also block internal molecular oxidation, and help the liver regenerate damaged tissue.


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