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Stand-Alone Protein

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Slender Fusion 5-Plex Protein for weight loss

Protein Snacks Satisfy Hunger

High Protein Diet

Balance Your Energy Supply with Five Meals throughout the Day

We’ve all heard about consuming five smaller meals throughout the day but have probably never thought to ask the question ‘why?’ It’s quite simple really: it’s all about trying to even out those peaks and troughs of energy you traditionally feel throughout the day. Way before the next meal time comes around we often find ourselves searching for something to eat; your brain is telling you to satisfy your body’s demand for more energy (calories). By simply adding in a ‘minimeal’ or healthy protein snack in-between your regular meal times you are able to easily satisfy those mid-morning and mid-afternoon feelings of hunger.

Three meals a day can cause energy levels to fluctuate throughout the day.

Protein Snacks Trump Traditional Snacks

Unfortunately, we typically tend to reach for more unhealthy snacks to satisfy our immediate hunger (our need for energy).Even some of the more ‘healthy’ options like trail mixes, dried fruit,or even snack bars can be loaded with fast-acting carbohydrates that convert to glucose too quickly (your body rapidly converts 100% of carbohydrate into glucose). In fact, a quick fix of a carbohydrate snack will simply exacerbate those fluctuations in energy levels by quickly causing a rise in blood glucose levels followed by an even greater crash.

If you’re looking for a truly perfect snack you need to look at protein-rich snacks. Protein takes three to four hours to affect blood sugar levels and when it does, it typically doesn’t cause a significant rise in blood sugar (your body changes about 60% of protein into glucose). And by using a Protein5 Smoothie as your healthy snack, the sustained release of energy from its 5-plex protein further helps in the process of regulating your body’s energy levels throughout the day. protein diet

A protein snack will also encourage your body to utilize any carbohydrates present as an initial energy source and avoid the possibility of them being stored as fat. Even the act of digesting and assimilating protein uses up more calories than carbohydrates and fats; this ‘inefficiency’ further aids our bodies in becoming calorie-burning machines! And with protein snacks you can generally be less worried about over-indulging as any excess protein calories won’t turn to fat (excess protein is typically excreted by the body with the help of the kidneys).

Protein Helps Maintain Muscle Tissue to Help Elevate Your Basal Metabolic Rate

High-Protein Diet

In addition to use an energy source, your body mainly needs protein for growth and maintenance (mostly used by your muscles, once converted to amino acids). This role is very important when following any weight-loss program. When dieting we want our bodies to lose fat-weight and not muscle-weight; after all we don’t want to become unhealthily skinny! Maintaining, or even increasing your muscle mass (or increasing the ratio of muscle to fat weight) through proper protein consumption and some resistance exercise can actually help to gradually increase your metabolic rate, which in turn will have you burning a greater number of calories each day.

Maximum Protein Utilization: Effective Assimilation – Zero Waste

The average healthy person typically needs about 0.35g of protein per pound of body weighteach day. So a 150lb person would need a little over 50g, a 200lb person would need 70g, and a 250lb person would need nearly 90g of protein. Ideally this would be spread throughout the day,maybe some from whole food sources at meal time and some from a liquid source as in-between as mini-meals or healthy snacks.

Once consumed, liquid protein passes through the intestinal tract in less than two hours and your body is able to assimilate up to 15g of fast-digesting protein during this period. A serving size larger than this typically results in more being excreted by the body; so we find an ideal serving size for the average person to be around 13g. We can help the body become more efficient in the digestion of proteins by also providing digestive enzymes that help ensure maximum assimilation (without the necessary enzymes this can drop to 50%). And to give the body a further boost we can supply pre-digested proteins (in the form of free-form amino acids) which can be immediately absorbed into the bloodstream.