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Healthy Eating


Success Principles For Weight Loss

An Educational Reference to Enhance Your Weight-Loss Program Why should we control our weight? What should be our ideal and healthy weight range? Will it be enough to just consider losing weight? How to stop Yo-Yo diet syndrome? At least 24 Success Principles are essential.

with Knowledge

More articles & links:

  • No Yo-Yo Program

10 simple steps
to practice healthy eating habits

Healthy eating as a series of small, manageable steps rather than as one gigantic hurdle to overcome all at once. By incorporating the following steps bite-by-bite, the change will be easier to make. Be conscious about what you eat every day and gradually you’ll be eating healthy, and you’ll soon notice a lasting improvement.
Here are 10 simple steps to practice healthy eating habits now:

  1. Balance. According to the USDA’s recent updates, it’s important to get the right ratios of fruits, vegetables, proteins, grains, and dairy. Make half your plate fruits and vegetable; choose grains wisely with at least half coming from whole grains; switch to fat-free or lowfat milk.
  2. Moderation.. Aim for right-sized portions on smaller plates and think ‘smaller’ when it comes to indulging in foods you crave, too.
  3. Simplify Preparation. .Try to use a variety of foods in your meals and aim for fresh produce whenever possible. The simpler they’re prepared, the more nutrients they’ll retain.
  4. Don’t Skip Breakfast. .Kick-start your day and your metabolism with a good breakfast, mix it up each day with fruits, cereal, eggs, or enjoy a Wonder Meal shake.
  5. Color Counts. . Eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables with every meal — the brighter, the better since these represent higher concentrations of valuable nutrients.
  6. Whole Grains are Happy Carbs. .Understand the difference between healthy carbs (whole grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables) and unhealthy carbs (white flour, refined, sugar, white rice). Include a variety of whole grains in your diet.
  7. Vary Your Protein. . Your meat and poultry choices should be lean or low fat. Don’t forget that beans, peas, egg and soy are also great sources of quality protein. Also try to include at least one serving of cooked seafood each week.
  8. Good Fat, Bad Fat. . Fats are good for you, but it depends on which kind. Increase your quantity of healthy fat (i.e. plant oils, nut oils, Omega-3 fatty acid) that will nourish your brain, heart, cells, hair, skin, and nails, as well as reduce cardiovascular disease and improve mood. Reduce saturated fats (found mostly in animal sources, such as red meat and whole milk dairy) and trans fats (found in processed foods).
  9. Sugar and Salt are not-so-nice spices. .Canned soups, prepared sauces, fast foods all have added sugar. Choose naturally sweet food instead (fruit, peppers, natural peanut butter). Also, too much salt can also cause high blood pressure and other ailments, so avoid processed or pre-packaged foods.
  10. Choose Healthy Snacks. .You can keep your metabolism and energy going throughout the day by enjoying an apple, a small bag of carrots, or a handful of almonds. Or why not shake up a Protein Smoothie as a refreshing low calorie snackin-between mealtimes