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Christmas Party Success!

Christmas Party Success!


We expected a large and enthusiastic party, and that’s exactly what happened!


The highlights included:

·      200 happy, dressed-up people attended the festivities

·      Everyone received a gift bag

·      Everyone had their choice of Wild Salmon, London Broil or Chicken Marsalla

·      Included was California’s most awesome chocolate dessert

·      There were numerous raffles with 30 winners

·      6 of the most impressive product testimonials ever heard

·      Short talks from 15 of our Star Members

·      Special gifts for our 7 Founding Elite Star Members

·      A “thank you” talk by our CEO, Ms Fang Zhao

·      Finally, dancing to a 10-piece band, all wearing tuxedos


Plus, a peak at what’s coming in early 2011:

·      A slide show of FKC’s new corporate headquarters purchased months ago that is being readied for a Feb/March opening

·      A slide show of the new Business Kit and a preview of a fresh image via FKC’s new literature, available in late January.

·      Plans for a “Launch 2011” event in January


Watch your emails and Websites

for Updates on several events in January!