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FKC Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Treatment Seminar

FKC Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Treatment Seminar
In return to the continuous support by our members, FKC has invited Dr. Frank (ChuanHai ) Liu to present a professional lecture on the prevention and treatment of Cardiovascular Disease. Dr. Liu graduated from Hebei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and received his graduate degree from Peiking University Health Science Center, with a combined experience of practicing Western and Chinese Medicine for more than 30 years. He is also a licensed Acupuncturist in the State of California. There will be free diagnosis for participants on the day of the event, including blood pressure, blood brain, bone density, body mass index and more. Special gifts will be prepared for the first 20 admissions to the event. We hope to see you there.
Date: Thursday, August 14, 2014 from 2PM to 4PM. (Registration begins at 1:30PM)
Location: 1199 Fairway Dr., Suite 200, City of Industry, CA 91789
Registration: Contact Rainine Yu at 909-869-9000 ext. 115 or email to
Seats are limited. Last day to register is August 13, 2014 before 5PM.
FKC国际为回馈广大洛杉矶消费者的支持,特聘请著名中医师, 医学博士刘传海先生,在社区举行心脑血管疾病预防与调理,“名医在身边”专家坐诊咨询活动。刘传海医学博士曾先后毕业于河北中医学院,北京医科大学临床医疗系,并累计拥有超过三十年中西医结合临床经验,现任美国加州执照针灸师, 活动当天有免费义诊全方面体检活动,凡到场者均可享受血脂、血压、骨密度、身体脂肪指数,摄取水份指数,内脏脂肪指数,等等常规免费体检项目。前20名到场的与会者均可得免费礼品一份! 我们期待大家的到来!
活动地点:1199 Fairway Dr. Suite 200 ,City of Industry, CA 91789 ,U.S.A.     
座位有限,需要提前订位。报名截止日期为8/13号下午5点前。订位报名电话:909-869-9000 EXT#115, 报名邮箱