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FKC Events in September, 2013


Event Invitation
Thursday Sep.26,2013
1199 Fairway Dr. Suite 200, City of Indugstry CA 91789

  • 3:30pm - 4:30pm
  • Helath Science Seminar

    1. Cardiomax - Heart Cells Protector By Michelle
    2. Product Testimonial
    3. Pro-Sumer Opportunity by Nancy

    There is a powerful antioxidant that is called Alpha Lipoic Acid. It is both water and oil soluable. Its power as an antioxidant is 6 times of Grape seeds. It effectively decreases the formation of free radicals in heart cells. How to get the most health benefit from this magic antioxidant has so much to do with the formulation. Join us this Thursday afternoon and study it with us.

  • 4:30pm - 5:30pm
  • FKC System Training

    1. Six Steps Sales Flowchart by Ellie
    2. Pro-Sumer Business Sharing
    3. Coach Simulation & Qualification


1199 Fairway Dr. Suite 200, City of Indugstry CA 91789

  • 3:30pm - 4:30pm
  • 健康科学讲座

    1. 卡迪尔康 - 保护心脏细胞 主讲人:Michelle
    2. 健康见证
    3. 生产消费者机会 主讲人:Nancy

    有一种超级抗氧化剂叫做硫辛酸。它既是水溶性,也是油溶性。强大可抗氧化能力是葡萄仔的6倍。它有效减少心脏细胞自由基的形成。它的抗氧化能力也表现在其持久性。如何从这个神奇的抗氧化剂中获得最大健康利益卻是和配方关系很大。欢迎加入9月26 日周四下午我们的健康科学讲座。

  • 4:30pm - 5:30pm
  • FKC 关爱系统培训

    1. 成功6步 主讲人:Ellie
    2. 生产消费者事业分享
    3. 讲师试讲和资格评审