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3 Phase Weight Loss Program



No Yo-yo Weight Loss

10-Week Complete Starter Kit

Slender Fusion 6001

3 Phases Weight Loss Program
Slender Fusion 3-Phases Program brings you into a light and healthy future




Ready for the exciting journey?

Phase I 14 days
Boost your body systems &
begin your lifestyle change.


Shed Pounds Lose Inches

Phase II until achieve your weight goal
Body transformation &
metabolism correction

Avoid Yo-Yo

Phase III on control for same time as your phase II
Maintain control &
avoid the Yo-Yo Dieting Syndrome

Weight Loss daily Weight Loss Protein Diet Weight Loss control

Weight Loss

How much do you want to know?


Subcutaneous fat
Is my Visceral Fat high?
Feel Hungry or Thirsty?
How Antioxidants fight fat
Protein snacks satisfy hunger
How to absorb less carbohydrates
The role of whole body system
Why probiotics matters
Why have to get liver right
Boost metabolism without caffeine
Cleansing intestines and colon
9 must have amino acid
How much fiber is enough
Why lack of sleep puts weight on
Halt Yo-Yo Dieting

FKC Dr.'s Lecture

FKC Doctors will break down each of the 24 principles, the science in weight loss that you need know and follow in order to reach your goal of permanent weight loss.Are you on a diet to lose weight, or planning to lose weight, or failed in other programs, or simply running into Yo-Yo? You would find the right solution from the 24 Success Principles. Lectures are free by invitation. Once you are invited, you can get your questions answered by our doctors, enjoy healthy free dinner, free product taste and a chance to exchange weight loss experience with new friends.

Email me lecture invitation