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Get Off the Rollercoaster Ride...

Slender Fusion

Do you ever find yourself feeling hungry when you know you shouldn't be ?
Maybe you're on the way to work having enjoyed your breakfast a couple of hours ago, or maybe you finished your lunch a little while before, or you’re watching TV in the evening, and then suddenly...; you feel like you're hungry again!!

Even with the most healthy of breakfasts, lunch and dinner you can still feel hungry at the strangest times. It's all to do with your blood sugar levels. Fluctuating spikes and troughs trigger a desire to eat more food to take blood sugar levels to another high. Eating more food is not the answer – in fact, it’s the last thing you want, as it can easily lead to putting on the pounds and inches, increasing your body fat levels and becoming more unhealthy. The solution is to regulate your appetite by controlling your blood sugar levels.

Read more about appetite control

Slender Fusion CONTROL

The specially sequenced CONTROL supplement strip includes a total of nine supplement capsules. Three of those capsules help you manage your appetite and sugar cravings throughout the day – they include a synergistic blend of active ingredients like chromium, l-glutamine, green tea leaf extract, dl-phenylalanine, vanadium, and gymnema sylvestre extract.

But Slender Fusion CONTROL does more than just help you manage your appetite, the complete supplement strip helps balance your body’s rhythms and even-out stresses…

  • Manage your appetite and sugar cravings
  • Restrict emotional based eating when you are bored, restless or stressed
  • Control carbohydrate absorption and minimize blood sugar fluctuations
  • Normalize the production of ‘appetite’ and ‘stress’ hormones while you sleep

Appetite & Craving Reduction

Eating the wrong things or just eating too much can easily destroy our dieting efforts. We need additional help in controlling our appetite and cravings so we can maximize our weight-loss efforts. Ideally, we need our body’s nutrition to be in a perfect gentle rhythm throughout the day...

You need to encourage a healthy appetite; minimizing the amount of refined carbohydrates you absorb that can quickly convert to sugars. You need to regulate your blood glucose levels and avoid creating spikes and troughs that can lead to craving sugary snacks. You also need to reduce feelings of boredom, restlessness, and stress that can have you reaching for unhealthy comfort foods and snacks. And during the night, you need your body to enjoy quality sleep so that the ‘appetite’ hormones, leptin and ghrelin, are produced in balance, and the ‘stress’ hormone cortisol is minimized.

The Slender Fusion CONTROL supplement regimen has you totally covered around the clock, putting you back in charge of your weight-management efforts.


Appetite & Craving Reduction

14 Supplement Strips

(each containing 9 capsules)

126 Capsules Total


Use one Supplement Strip containing nine capsules per day. Follow the regimen set out on the back of each strip. The recommended times will provide the maximum nutrition benefit but you can safely adjust to meet your personal schedule.

Accelerate Your Weight-Loss

If you are finding it difficult to adjust to a new healthy eating regimen, or simply want to boost your weight-management efforts, add in the Control supplements to your daily regimen at any time during your Re-Shape phase to help accelerate your weight-loss.

Beat the Yo-Yo Dieting Syndrome

The Control supplements are especially effective when used as an aid to stop the dreaded yo-yo dieting syndrome. Once you have reached your goal weight your body takes time to accept the ‘new you’. Even though you are no longer ‘dieting’ in the Resist phase of your program you need to remain in control of your eating and snacking habits as your body adjusts.