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On-Target Training

Announcing another


Experiential Training Event!


As an FKC Member, you won’t want to miss

this unique training experience.


“Experiential training” takes learning to a new level. Statistics reveal that people learn 10% by listening, 30% by reading, 50% by watching, and 80% by doing!

Experiential training is “learning by doing” in teams of 3 or 4.


Due to the unique nature of this type of training, we are limiting the attendance to a maximum of 36 individuals.


Who can attend – An existing FKC Member.

Who can NOT attend – Prospects.(This is not designed for sponsoring.)

Registration:Call Janet at 323.888.6000 ext. 102 to save your spot.

Date:Saturday, November 20, 2010

NOTE: The original date was for Nov. 13.

Time:1:05 PM to 5:05 PM – We will abide by these times.

Amenities Included:Various snacks, coffee and Wonder Meal Shakes.

Training Fee:Only $10 per person, which includes:

·      Three training “modules.”

·      Module “star emblems” for each completed module on your

On-TargetCertificate. You need 6 emblems to graduate.

·      An On Time Bonus:  Be there by 1:05 and you’ll receive one free FKC product of your choice.

·      Upon graduation,you receive another product of your choice.

Remember –This is training – so bring what you need to take notes.


Register Early – We expect a sellout.