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Aster F. Ratuita, FKC Qualified Speaker Specialized on FKC Compensation Plan

Congratulations to Aster F. Ratuita who has been newly certified to be our 1st Qualified Speaker on FKC Compensation Plan!

On Nov. 23, 2011, Aster F. Ratuita took her VIP Speaker Qualification Assessment. Both of the Chairmen Grace and Michelle gave full scores to her lecturer, and ranked her  a Qualified Speaker on FKC Compensation Plan. Meanwhile, the two World Top Leaders shared with Aster their experience in presenting FKC business to different groups of guests.

Aster made her own Power Point document according to the knowledge she has accumulated  since her first day with FKC business. She keeps updating it with the new information she absorbs from different sources to enrich her presentation. This includes the update she achieved from LeaderCircles Training by FKC Vice President Mr. Kenny Chang. No doubt, her presentation is precious and should not be missed. Recently she has been invited to present the Compensation Plan at our FKC OPP meeting this Thursday.