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US$ 71.00 (49 PV)

Tri-Antioxidant mimics nature's way of mixing antioxidants in the same food source. This synergistic pattern, seen naturally occurring in plants, is the key to the success of Tri-antioxidant. A single antioxidant molecule cannot compare in effectiveness to the combined strength of the sum of antioxidants found in Tri-Antioxidant.


120 capsule per bottle

GH Tri-Antioxidant (#GH2001)

US$ 55.00 (38 PV)

Liveright combines high quality liver protecting nutraceuticals, formulated to assist the liver in detoxifying and healing itself. The components of this formula are liver-specific natural herbs and molecules carefully extracted from specific plants.


120 capsule per bottle

GH Liveright (#GH2002)

US$ 58.00 (41 PV)

Joint Again is developed by utilizing a powerful blend of natural ingredients clinically proven through extensive research to be effective in treating joint conditions. It is one of the leading products at Guardian Health with countless examples from people around the world presented the life changing results of this powerful product.


120 Tablets Per Bottle

GH Joint Again (#GH2003)

US$ 41.00 (29 PV)

CalciMagD bone dietary supplement is a chewable, chocolate flavored tablet with a unique blend of vitamin D, magnesium and calcium for easy consumption and better absorption into the body.


120 Tablets Per Bottle

GH CalcimagD (#GH2004)

US$ 58.00 (38 PV)

Wonder Meal is a high quality protein (plant and whey) supplement which contains essential and natural ingredients that helps to build muscles, balance blood sugar and lose weight.


455g Per Bottle

Wonder Meal (#2005)

US$ 71.00 (49 PV)

Cardiomax is an all-natural health supplement designed to naturally rejuvenate and support the cardiovascular and circulatory system. It is considered a breakthrough for maintaining a healthy heart.


120 Capsules Per Bottle

GH CardioMax (#GH2009)

US$ 55.00 (38 PV)

StomaPure addresses gastric illness naturally using a scientifically created combination of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, to restore your health gently and holistically.


120 Capsules Per Bottle

GH StomaPure (#GH2010)

US$ 55.00 (38 PV)

Guardian Health designed the supplement Regenesis to help rebuild your digestive system’s probiotic population, which helps digestion and helps rebuild your immunity.


120 Capsules Per Bottle

GH Regenesis (#GH2011)

US$ 67.00 (38 PV)

Ingenium (Latin for Natural Genius) is a natural multi-vitamin and mineral supplement fortified with phytonutrients. It’s carefully crafted as an everyday, broad spectrum supplement for adults to naturally synchronize with the body’s metabolism for a more consistent release of vital minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients throughout the day.


120 Capsules Per Bottle

GH Ingenium (#GH2012)

US$ 47.00 (30 PV)

MCH-Cal™ calcium in OsCal Pro formula is easily absorbed and has high bioavailablity. OsCal Pro formula is also rich in 13 types of active factors such as growth factors and type I collagen which stimulates the regeneration of osteoblasts, and the phytonutrients that helps accelerate bone repair and healing.


120 capsules per bottle

Oscal Pro (#GH2019)

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