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US$ 41.00

CalciMagD bone dietary supplement is a chewable, chocolate flavored tablet with a unique blend of vitamin D, magnesium and calcium for easy consumption and better absorption into the body.


120 Tablets Per Bottle

GH CalcimagD (#GH2004  29 PV)

For ages 5 and older. Take as a dietary supplement. Chew one or two tablets after meal, twice a day.
(Consult your family physician if you have question concerning supplements for your child or your child’s food allergies.)

FDA GMP证明 (请点击看大图)

COMPONENT Amount %Daily Value

• Provides a healthy dose of bio-available calcium to rebuild bones.
• Provides vitamin D to support absorption of calcium.
• Provides magnesium to support incorporation of calcium into the bones.
• Provides magnesium for energy production in all body cells.
• Helps reduce muscle cramps.
• Promotes muscle and body relaxation.

Guardian Health “CalciMagD” bone dietary supplement contains a balanced trio mix of calcium, vitamin D, and magnesium. CalciMagD provides a moderate dose of calcium with enough vitamin D3 for absorption, proper magnesium level to minimize the competition and maximize the synergy between calcium and magnesium for bone storage. We believe this powerful trio combination will help promoting the important bone health for all ages.

Calcium: Our body doesn't produce calcium, but we need calcium to build strong bones and teeth, send nerve signals, clot blood, and contract muscles (including the heartbeat). When dietary calcium intake is insufficient, our body will remove calcium from the bones, making them weak and brittle, this can cause osteoporosis. Even if you eat a healthy, balanced diet, you may find it difficult to get enough calcium if you follow a vegan diet, have lactose intolerance with limited dairy products, consume large amounts of protein or sodium which can cause your body to excrete more calcium, have osteoporosis, have bowel or digestive diseases that inhibit calcium absorption. If people can’t get enough calcium in the diet, they should consider calcium supplements.

Calcium carbonate contain the highest amount of calcium (about 40%). It's best to take this product with food for it requires stomach acid for absorption. Calcium citrate has only 21% calcium but is more readily absorbed can be taken on an empty stomach. Guardian Health purposely combine both forms of calcium supplements with moderate dosage level to help the body get the optimum calcium level without overloading.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is essential for strong bones because your body will have difficult time absorbing calcium from your diet without enough vitamin D. Research also reveals the importance of vitamin D in protecting against a host of health problems beyond bone health.

Vitamin D2 is produced by plants, and Vitamin D3, known as the sunshine vitamin, is the made by your skin when you get enough sunlight. Many elders do not get enough sunlight regularly thus may have trouble making vitamin D3. If you shun the sun, suffer from milk allergies, adhere to a strict vegan diet, you may be at risk for vitamin D deficiency.

Magnesium: Magnesium helps direct the calcium deposition to the bone, keeping it out of the soft tissues. Vitamin D can get calcium to enter the blood from the intestines but only magnesium can make it go to the bones. Besides bone metabolism, magnesium also involves in protein synthesis, carbohydrate metabolism, muscle and nerve functioning, energy production, normal heart rhythm, glucose and blood pressure regulation etc. Magnesium is responsible for more than 300 biochemical reactions, all necessary for optimum health.

Mg and Ca antagonize each other in many physiological activities. They have opposite activity on the muscles. Calcium allows physical activity through muscle contraction while magnesium minimizes muscle activity by relaxing them. If we consume too much calcium without enough magnesium not only will we create stress within the body, but the excess calcium won't be utilized correctly and may become toxic. The commonly agreed-upon starting ratio of calcium to magnesium is 2:1.

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